Some factors can lead a company to bankruptcy: debts, lack of budgetary and financial control, errors in decision-making, and thus, ending up out of control. If your company is facing serious financial challenges that prevent it from meeting its obligations, Almeida Prado & Hoffmann has a team of lawyers specialized in:
Area Manager: Carlos Gouveia

In judicial litigation, personal support in the various trial instances stands out, with the adoption of all relevant procedural measures, including the presentation of memorials and the carrying out of oral arguments before the Superior Courts.
The procedural action includes tax theses, defenses in tax executions, guarantee measures and regularization of tax disputes, in addition to the recovery of amounts unduly collected from the Tax Authorities.
In the sphere of tax administrative litigation, specialized work occurs both in tax bodies (Federal Revenue and State and Municipal Finance Departments), and in judgment bodies (CARF, TIT/SP, CMT/SP, etc.), in infraction notices, tax compensation and reclassification procedures.