Founding Partner
- Born in São Paulo – SP, bachelor in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie;
- Co-founder of the firm together with João Adelino Moraes de Almeida Prado since 2006;
- Specialist in Tax Law from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP);
- PhD in Civil Law from the University of São Paulo (USP);
- Doctor in Diritto Civile from the Università di Camerino, Italy;
- Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences Studies (IE) (2024 – present);
- Advisor at the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) (2019-2023);
- Judge of the Tax and Fee Court of São Paulo;
- Main Director of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee of FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) (2015 – 2019);
- Director of the Legal Department of FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) (2011 – 2015);
- Member of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee of FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) (2009 – 2019);
- Secretary of the Support Committee for the Legal Departments of OAB/SP (2014 - 2019);
- Member of the New Lawyers Committee of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2004 -2008);
- Coordinator of the Civil Law and Civil Procedure Sub-Committee of the New Lawyers Committee of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2006-2007)
- Coordinator of the New Lawyers Committee of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2008);
- Effective associate of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2009);
- Advisor to the Financial Board of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2009);
- President of the Commission on Legal Department Management of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2010 – 2012);
- Member of the Thematic Committees on Civil Law and Banking Law of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (2009 – 2012);
- Professor at the MBA course at the University of São Caetano do Sul.
Published articles:
- “The disregard of legal personality in the face of the New Civil Code” (2003);
- “Changes in the expropriation of assets in light of the provisions of Law No. 11,382/2006”, Ed. Campus Elsevier, in “The new execution of extrajudicial titles”, 1st edition, 2008;
- “Comments on articles 31 to 36 of Complementary Law no. 87/96 “, in Comments on Complementary Law n. 87/96, 1st edition, São Paulo, MP Editora, 2008;
- “The constitutional sequestration of funds from the Public Power”, in Atual Panorama da Constitution Federal, 1st ed., São Paulo, Editora Saraiva, 2009;
- “Comments on articles 3 and 9 and items 38 to 40”, in Comments on Complementary Law nº 116/03, 1st edition, São Paulo, MP Editora, 2009;
- Coordination of the work “Current panorama of the Federal Constitution”, Editora Saraiva, 2009, work awarded third place in the 2009 Jabuti Prize, Law category, from the Brazilian Book Chamber;
- “Banking Civil Liability in Italian Civil Law”, in Banking Civil Liability, 1st edition, Editora Campus Elsevier, 2012;
- “Diritto competinziale e Sham Litigation in Brasile: un’analisi current dei doveri e dei diritti. I overdid it and gave it to ethics and mercato.” 1st ed. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica; Bilingual edition, 2020, v. , P. 135;
- “Abuse of dominance in digital markets”, in OECD, 2020.
- Available at: https://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/abuse-of-dominance-in-digital-markets-2020.pdf;
- “The Future of Antitrust”. 1st ed., IBRAC, 2020;
- Available at: https://www.ibrac.org.br/UPLOADS/Eventos/519/The_Future_of_Antitrust.pdf
- “Competition enforcement and regulatory alternatives”, in OECD, 01 June. 2021.
- Available at: https://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/competition-enforcement-and-regulatory-alternatives-2021.pdf;
- “Data portability, interoperability and competition”, in OECD, 01 June. 2021;
- Available at: https://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/data-portability-interoperability-and-digital-platform-competition-2021.pdf;
- “Ex-Ante Regulation and Competition in Digital Markets? Note by Brazil”, in OECD, 02 Dec. 2021;
- Available at: https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP/WD(2021)63/en/pdf;
- “Competition Law and constitutional legality: the Brazilian, European and Italian systems” – article presented at Università di Camerino, Italy (2022);
- Coordination of the work “Competition Law in practice – the analysis of concrete cases”. Lumen Juris Publisher, Rio de Janeiro, 2023;
- Author of several lectures on university extension courses.
Foreign languages: English, Italian and Spanish. Knowledge of German and French.